The page provides some responses to participant questions about the contest.

For clarity and anonymity we may provide a statement that answers a question without providing the full question text.

Questions can be emailed to

Question 1) Is shooting RAW in FX or DX both acceptable in the rules? 
Answer 1) Yes, as long as RAW file meets the 12 MP minimum (i.e. compressed RAW is OK)

Question 2) CLARIFICATION – Category E07 should have a “+” notation, indicating you may use image stacking…focus stacking etc. 

Answer 2) Rule should read: E07 + *Night Scene Photography (non-wildlife) Stars, moon, landscape, light painting
+ (Image Stitching, High Dynamic Range, and/or Focus Stacking are allowed Submission should include the representative RAW file or files)

Question 3) 1. May I mask my subject and apply separate tonal, contrast and sharpening adjustments? (Not blurring the background but applying a different tone and contrast to it.)? 2. May I apply darken borders/ lighten center to the final image? 3. May I use point color to selectively saturate and luminate a specific color without changing to a completely different color?

Answer 3) As per the rules, only global (whole image) edits are permitted so none of the options you asked about are permitted. (except for the one category E10 Graphic Art)